The perfect spray tan colour for you – Over the years in my career as a professional spray tanner the comment I invariably hear the most is “I want to be as dark as you can get me”. In the past, and like the eager-to-please tanning genie I was, I would grant their wish. And why not? It was what they had asked for!
However, I believe that there is (or at least should be) a code of responsibility that comes with tanning. Yes, a tanning code of honour. Put another way, after years of experience I know what works with your natural skin tone and your hair, and I want you to benefit from this knowledge. The perfect tan is the one where people don’t even know you have had one – just that you look amazing and natural!
The David Dickinson days are long gone and totally unnecessary; it’s an over spray of solution that leads to this unctuously unnatural look – and furthermore you can’t go out for the rest of the day during your development time because you look way too obviouse. This look isn’t good, trust me. I’ve experienced a lot of tans in my time. In fact, this look is an extreme contradiction to a professional (and honest) spray tan. You should become the golden goddess you desire to be!
Tanning has progressed. I used to spray with a high voltage, low pressured (HVLP) spray gun that was instant on the skin. You may ask what is wrong with that? The answer is that it works so fast that there is no room for error! And accordingly, there were errors. Then came ‘Maxi-Mist’.
With Maxi-Mist you are spraying, as the name suggests, with mist instead of spraying with full blown solution at high speed. Yes, the mist takes a little longer because it has to be applied twice but it provides a perfect flawless coverage as its applied by two coats of fine mist instead of full blown 100 miles an hour full on solution. For the perfect tan, time is crucial. The mist effortlessly floats onto the skin, and if there were to be an accident of any kind on the skin it can be rectified easily and resprayed. You would not have this option with one thick application, it is far more challenging.
Solutions have also come on since back in the day, with what the spray tanning industry call rapid tans. Rapid tanning solution requires less development time, whilst providing the same result. In a nutshell, rapid tans are for your convenience, you can wash off earlier than other tanning solutions, allowing you the freedom of your day, while still gaining a glorious tan.
The moral of this blog is that a professional spray tan, done well, should look absolutely flawless. You don’t need to look orange or umber for any amount of time, and you should always look gorgeous…naturally gorgeous!